Thursday, August 06, 2015

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Commissions Slots Open - Colored Cartoon Busts

I can also be contacted at

Sunday, January 04, 2015


December was the month of digital artwork tryouts

#Digicember suggested by an artist friend of mine. This is the lv 8 difficulty fight with sf2 m.bison, time to grind fot digital experience on the spot lol

I….i fking love the oil brush….wow. wish i haf more time but man that was fun. #extrastagecomic  #Digicember

In relation to the idea sprung from this video :
Here is what the extremists would say if DMC Dante had a gender change.

In relation to the idea sprung from this video :

Here is what the extremists may say if Kratos had a gender change.

In relation to the idea sprung from this video :

Here is what the extremists may say if Leon.S.Kennedy had a gender change.

In relation to the idea sprung from this video :
Last piece of this experiment, lets get some parodies going.

Blarg gonna add more to it tomorrow. Took some time to go at a friend’s exposition and had a great time. #digicember

More devils dare work comin up. I prefer this sketchy form compared to my inking, feels more natural to me. #digicember

The full comic strip should be up and lettered by tomorrow on on hint: frenchy. #digicember

Wip local commission. #digicember

Another local commission WIP stacked on top of others. waiting for the client to decide on the prefered water effect before continuing that spot. #digicember #avatarthelastairbender #sokka #watertribe

Some more devilsdare wip. Those are taking a backseat to the commissions tough lol #devilsdare #digicember

Second commish from the same customer. Fking hate inking but this is going fairly well. #avatarthelastairbender #digicember

More #digicember experimenting. Completely down with sketching directly, only hitch is managing to get things relatively clean and get a similar flow to traditional sketching.

Even more #digicember ! Gett8ng the hang of light to dark digital sketching. Still haaaaate the mind break zooming does lol #devilsdare

Upcoming qtc video thumbnail thumbnail.  #digicember

May have found a prefered technique with the sketchy lines but ill double down and do more experiments like this.  Its been alot of fun.

Monday, December 08, 2014


And so that happened !

Got ropped into another monthly event and iiiìim loving it. Damn you DLCs! #extrastagecomic  #sketchavember

Catchin up with the sketchavember with SHADOW COUNTEEEEEERS!!! #sketchavember #finalfantasy6

Last catchup with Mokuu presenting a mildly rare fruit. Imagine all the energy given by 2 vente lattes but with the taste of a rasberry orange combo. Now give it to this already hyper active kid lol #sketchavember

Even more light spells. Who knows if this character is gonna get more spotlight in the future volumes. He aint as important as the princess lol. #sketchavember #extrastagecomic

Lisa’s gonna get you ! #extrastagecomic  #sketchavember

Too tired to post before but a few designs for a monk character for a client. #sketchavember

Extrastage tennis strikers. Totally confirmed #extrastagecomic  #sketchavember

Scrapped portrait of a friend’s niece. Gave her to good version while i messed around with this one #sketchavember

Hospital patient while i was waiting for the x-rays. #sketchavember

Getting some more panels blueprinted. This assailent has more tricks to be seen. #extrastagecomic  #sketchavember

Working on a new streaming thumbnail. Might keep or scrap this base. #sketchavember

Before Terra, Bartz ,Onion knight and Cecil, Final Fantasy was blessed with the greatest hero of them all: Benjamin. 
Lol #sketchavember

WIP its gonna be fun. #sketchavember

Wip for a friend ! Mind bending monk #sketchavember

Not much fleshing out for this character. Still havent much time to work on that story and its cast yet. #sketchavember

Sketch for @joverine ‘s birthday. Its his character Balto the barbarian. Possibly confirmed for Street Fighter X Diablo . #sketchavember #balto

Messing around with a troll type character. I cant stop scratching on other projects while working on extra stage lol #sketchavember

Bit of a small Elisa sketch on the metro. Maybe there’s an hint lol #sketchavember #extrastagecomic

Prepping up a bunch of Devils Dare fan art. Here goes the two unlockable characters.  #sketchavember #devilsdare #secretbase #anthonycarboni #jonathanrivera

Pushing some more personality for Katarina. Yet i should really focus on extrastage lol #sketchavember

Randomly did a drawing of Michonne using some Neil Adams moves. I like the form his hartching creates. #sketchavember #walkingdead #michonne

That business douche character is gonna be fking hilarious to work on for #extrastagecomic  #sketchavember

Yeah, that shit is real. #sketchavember

More emphasis on how Drake’s character trait is all centered on chilling out instead of worrying about crisis and disaster occuring around him. #sketchavember

Quick catchup from the missed days: 
Albya Wong: “Target acquired”.

Someone’s about to get deleted.
#sketchavemberFew peeps are gonna get that reference. Its an old testing username i intend to use for future content. .
He is known as the illustrious MR.Shoot.

Some more walking dead. #walkingdead #sketchavember