Sunday, January 04, 2015


December was the month of digital artwork tryouts

#Digicember suggested by an artist friend of mine. This is the lv 8 difficulty fight with sf2 m.bison, time to grind fot digital experience on the spot lol

I….i fking love the oil brush….wow. wish i haf more time but man that was fun. #extrastagecomic  #Digicember

In relation to the idea sprung from this video :
Here is what the extremists would say if DMC Dante had a gender change.

In relation to the idea sprung from this video :

Here is what the extremists may say if Kratos had a gender change.

In relation to the idea sprung from this video :

Here is what the extremists may say if Leon.S.Kennedy had a gender change.

In relation to the idea sprung from this video :
Last piece of this experiment, lets get some parodies going.

Blarg gonna add more to it tomorrow. Took some time to go at a friend’s exposition and had a great time. #digicember

More devils dare work comin up. I prefer this sketchy form compared to my inking, feels more natural to me. #digicember

The full comic strip should be up and lettered by tomorrow on on hint: frenchy. #digicember

Wip local commission. #digicember

Another local commission WIP stacked on top of others. waiting for the client to decide on the prefered water effect before continuing that spot. #digicember #avatarthelastairbender #sokka #watertribe

Some more devilsdare wip. Those are taking a backseat to the commissions tough lol #devilsdare #digicember

Second commish from the same customer. Fking hate inking but this is going fairly well. #avatarthelastairbender #digicember

More #digicember experimenting. Completely down with sketching directly, only hitch is managing to get things relatively clean and get a similar flow to traditional sketching.

Even more #digicember ! Gett8ng the hang of light to dark digital sketching. Still haaaaate the mind break zooming does lol #devilsdare

Upcoming qtc video thumbnail thumbnail.  #digicember

May have found a prefered technique with the sketchy lines but ill double down and do more experiments like this.  Its been alot of fun.

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