Thursday, November 27, 2008


Been a few days since i started waking up at 5 am to brush up on my anatomy, tutorials with books and Ron Lemen's anatomy articles inside Imagine FX. I think i found my approach method, drawing approach but i cant be 100% sure cause this always happens.
I went back to Marvel's way of drawing and gesturing, it somewhat worked well and i was able to like it to the Force way of flowing, yet it loses the bulk that the academical approach gives me. Might find a way to compensate soon.
So anyway, ill be adding some of the exercises this weekend, im using the a7 biggie paper so i cant really scan them.

As for the game project, enemie's attack patterns are designed, now im making some decisions on the player's abilities, attacks, comboes, speed, balancing. Ill also sketch up some ideas for the stages and upload the enemy attack patterns while trying to hide the notes :D
Anyhow lets go.

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