Saturday, August 20, 2011

Wildfire sketches

 Ive recently got inspired by Toby Shelton 's Darkwing duck Model sheets. Cool forms, on the dot weight, very clean and expressive, so i had to get down on the paper, specially after the digital downtime.

And i couldnt stop rechecking Mike Kunkel's Hero bear, its an inspiring comic work since the expressions and draftsmanship are rough but still clear to the eye.

I urge you all to checkout  Hero Bear, im just too braindead to write something worthwhile on it.

Argh i still have more graveyard sketches around.


Raphaël Desgagnés said...

Tes dessins sont tellement superbes et tes personnages sont super attachants! Good job!

Mokuu said...

Merci, il me reste encore trop a apprendre XD

Faut dessiner au max !!!